maandag 25 juni 2012

Interview & Give away

This month I am the headsponsor of 'The Blue Eyed night owl'.
Laura wanted to take an interview of me and on the 14th of June my interview was online.
I was so excited because this was my very first interview and i think it looks very good!
You can click on the photo to read it. :)

Since yesterday it's possible to win one of my handmade earrings on her blog!
Click the photo to check out more about this give away!
It would be great if you'd join to win them.

I hope you have a nice day!
Eline S.

zaterdag 23 juni 2012

Just breathe... the end's almost here!

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The end of the current exam period is here! Yaay!
I'm very curious for my results..
Now let's breathe, I cannot change them anymore..

Eline S.

donderdag 21 juni 2012

Book #1 ::: The hunger games

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I like reading and now and then I will place  a short book review with my opinion of the book I've read. Today I'm going to finish 'The hunger games' by Suzanne Collins and I must admit that this book is a real pageturner. It took me about 3 days to read almost until the end of the book but I got behind because of studying for my exams and moving to my other house.

Somehow I think it's bad that i've seen the movie before reading the books.
Too bad I didn't discover this series earlier. The film made me think about the Capital in a whole other way. I think i wouldn't imagined them (The Capital people) the same way as they show them in the film.

dinsdag 19 juni 2012

My daily reads

Being crafty or writing a blog is not the only thing i like to do.
I really love to read other interesting blogs! They give me so much inspiration and motivation.

maandag 18 juni 2012

Take a look through my window

Yaay! Yesterday we officialy moved to our new house, and i must admit... I love it more than our old house. Just take a look at the amazing view from my window.

zaterdag 16 juni 2012

Owl you need is love and some good books

I love books, my room is full of them... new ones, old ones and very old ones.
Apparently I'm not the only person who likes to make bookmarks.
Laura from 'Blue Eyed Night Owl' likes to make them too, they are different in style - but ooh so cute and handmade in felt!
 She would like to tell you more about one of her products.

What is it? - Does your product have a name?
It's an elastic bookmark with a cute owl on it.

woensdag 13 juni 2012

Things on my mind

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(photo by Annaleena Karlsson)

♥ finishing my exams at school - which give me a very bad feeling for my results.
Taking care for my younger sister
♥ Move the rest of my room into boxes and bring them to our new house
♥ Finishing my evening courses and get my certificate within two weeks
♥ Thinking about closing my Etsy for a longer time, while travelling and looking out for better
   things, like working with Craftlaunch

♥ Looking out for new nice blogs to read
Mail people who want my ad on their blogs
♥ Planning our Scandinavian roadtrip
Need to make a 'My daily reads' section with all my favorite blogs somewhere on this

♥ Need to take new photos of the things i made lately

What are you up to these days?
I hope you have a nice day!
Eline S.

dinsdag 12 juni 2012

Better Blogger Networking

Today, i decided I wanted to join my very first blogging community: the Better Blogger Network (you may have already noticed the Buttons on my blog). 

While discovering the community i found many awesome bloggers and blogs were linked up through this site. It has proved to be such a great opportunity to connect with people from all over the world. The forum has a lot of tips and good advice.  

Visit Better Blogger Network

Now... let's wait and see if this is going to be as amazing as they promise! :)
Eline S.

maandag 11 juni 2012

Tea time pls?

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zondag 10 juni 2012

Upcoming concert ::: Damien Rice & Bon Iver

Waaw! This year is going to be an amazing music year for me!
A few weeks ago i went to the concert of Soléy. 
It was fantastic and funny - she's surely not used to give big concerts, but that's what makes her cute!

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vrijdag 8 juni 2012

Meet Laura from Blue Eyed Night owl ::: interview

The 'Blue Eyed Night Owl' is one of the many blogs I follow that I actually read.
I love the way Laura describes things, I like her photos, her stories,...
and most of all I really started to appreciate Laura as a person too, she's one of the most friendly persons I met through the internet. Too bad we live so far from each other..
Anyways, She's the June headsponsor and she wanted to tell some more about herself and her blog & shop.

Shop/blog name?
Blue Eyed Night Owl is both a blog about all sorts of things and an Etsy shop filled with handmade goodies.

donderdag 7 juni 2012

Grab my button

Yaay! I finally found out how to make a 'grab my button' place on my blog.
With some help from the lovely blogs 'My latest obsession' and 'Manic Mother' I learned the finishing touch to place them online for you.

Eline S. blog

On the 'Sponsor' tab you can find more Eline S. buttons.

woensdag 6 juni 2012

Travel idea ::: Scandinavian roadtrip

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Our (my boyfriend and me) previous travel idea was going to 'Cinque terre' in Italy (read/see here), but we've changed plans. We're going north by car.
The plan is to start in Bruges (where we live) and then drive all the way to Stockholm (Sweden).

maandag 4 juni 2012

Let's pin to 3000

Today I've pinned over 2000 pins!
I must admit Pinterest is dangerous.. very dangerous.
Watch your mind, eyes and dreams whenever you start to explore this website..
It already attacked mine..

Are you also as crazy as me? Let's follow each other!

Have a nice evening
Eline S.

Song of the month #11 ::: Of Monsters and men - Dirty Paws

Another month, another Song of the month!
This month I wanted to share Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men with you.
Listening to this cd always makes me happy and that's exactly what I need lately.

Eline S.

zondag 3 juni 2012

On the move...

A few blogposts ago, I told you that my mom, my sister and I are moving house again.
I'm really looking forward to stay in our new house.

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Yesterday all the doors from our rooms were painted and we already started with the wallpaper.

zaterdag 2 juni 2012

Meet the June sponsors

Laura, the girl behind 'Blue Eyed Night Owl', is a girl with a love for many things. When she is not crafting or cooking up a nice Japanese meal, you might find her browsing little stores for owls, moustaches or pretty stationary. And She has recently developed a passion for all things "green" and natural. You are also very welcome to visit her Etsy shop full of cute goodies, accessories and bookmarks!